With the hair tie social productivity, industrial automation and developingfaster than ever before, how to boost industrialization, China also needs toaddress issues such as security, innovation, talent and patents. In support ofthe policy and technical, industrial automation is a point of the outbreak. Howdo product positioning and market segmentation, in order to a slice of themarket in the future, are related companies needed to consider the issue.
Whether from the simple level of labor or are considering raising productionefficiency and industrial automation are not second choice. But a smoothtransition, we still need to sort out the following three aspects:
(1) security problems in fully automated industrial production process, ourindustrial control systems security now and in the future will be focused on.
In 2012, the "stuxnet" and the subsequent industrial safety incidents, allindustrial manufacturers and dealers are excited about one of the questions. Isdifferent from traditional information security security, industrial systemsemphasize industrial automation and intelligent control, monitoring andmanagement of related equipment, the real-time performance of the system and thecontinuity of the business is important. This shows that systems availability,real-time performance and controllability is the focus of industrial controlsystems. How to guarantee the security of these areas, we mentioned securitykey.
(2) how can promotion for the automation industry to "lead". Due to the lack ofcreativity, talent and patents, the automation development obstacles of China.
Take industrial robots, for instance, the industry believes, after automotive,computer, robots will be a new type of large-scale high-tech industry, demand for industrial robots would grow at a annual rate of 15%-20%.
Market is mapped out is behind the rush of domestic corporate embarrassment,2012 brand robot sales is only 1112, wholly-owned and joint venture brands salesas high as 25790, market share were 4% and 96% respectively. Internal QC andelectric group is the pioneer of the robotics industry. But the overall share isstill small relative to foreign-funded enterprises, which will requiremanufacturers hard deep plowing can build better products to meet market demand,followed by industrial automation trends.
(3) the absence of core component is the root cause. We have continued to beindustrial robots, for example, indicate the domestic auto industry's problems.
According to reports, the core components of industrial robots include therobot, speed reducer, servo systems, control systems into four parts, and ofthis four part cost, 24%, 22%, and 12%, respectively.
For domestic companies, with international giants in the gearbox and servo motorvaries enormously, especially in terms of reducer, and little or no industry.Current market 75% precision reducer market from Japan the manufacturerscontrol, also beat other prices on the high side. This has also become adomestic automation practitioners cannot fine against the war. HomemadeFireworks can be achieved if these core components, both in terms of costcontrol, or technologies, are able to have greatly improved. So this is theproblem that needs to be considered.
From above three aspects seems, China enterprise automation process to face of problem, more other advanced of Europe Day Han, national, still has is long of a road to go, how overcome qián paper mentioned of innovation weak, and technology behind, and talent lack of problem, and not overnight of thing, but see domestic of some enterprise in efforts, in attempts to, in to international giant learning. Believe that one day, China's industrial automation can play on their own imprint.